Friday, July 23, 2010

The remodel continues on the coach and that is discouraging but we've been keeping busy. We are official Oregonians now - we both passed the test and received our Driver's Licenses last week. The pictures even look good!!!

Ken got to be a true farmer last week. Sandy borrowed a disker and Ken tilled the field to the southeast of the house. He did a good job for his first time tilling. It's good fire prevention to keep the fields tilled and the deer like the softer, chewier stuff!! Ken likes to keep busy and there is plenty here to keep him going.

Ken got to fly with Rick again (in Rick's experimental plane) and this time they followed the Rogue River to Prospect where they had breakfast. Rick loves to fly under bridges so Ken had another new experience going under not one, but two bridges. The picture below is fuzzy because it's taken through the windshield of the plane!!

Later that day, we drove over one of the bridges on our way to Crater Lake. Even though we've see the lake before, it was a beautiful, cloudless day in Southern Oregon and a cool 72 degrees at the lake. There was even some snow along the way and everything was so green. I love the color of Crater Lake - such a deep, vibrant blue. We could see Mt. Shasta in California and the Upper Klamath Lake from the rim of Crater Lake. It's amazing how far you can see when there's little or no smog to hinder your view.

Hopefully we will be on the road again soon! I'll continue to share pictures and stories as we go. The remodel is going to be great once it's done, which we both hope will be next week! Stay in touch - we love to hear from you!!